So now you know Why I'd like to blog....
But you may be wondering Who I actually am...?
Ill start with who I am now, and my consecutive blogs will be about growing up with diabetes and.... hopefully over coming some of the struggles I've be having recently.
I sort of feel as though i am writing letters to myself, like diary entries. But here goes nothing!
I am Fran Squire, up until about 6 months ago (Aug 25th 2012 to be exact) I was Fran Eykamp. So, newly married to Matt (my love) and soul mate. Living on a farm in rural NSW Australia with my two dogs Jewels and Basker, my two cats Betty and Archer (Archie) and my husbands two working sheep dogs Pip and Ray.
I am the middle child with 2 older sisters and 2 younger brothers,
who, believe it or not, all do not suffer from any of the autoimmune diseases that
I do, thankfully. I tell myself I must have been the strongest child
because I was given all the fun and expensive aliments. haha...
I am 27 years old, born on the 1st June, 1985. I was, in fact, the best birthday present my sister has ever had, stealing her 1st birthday thunder with the arrival of me, by C-Section on what was her birthday the previous year on the 1st of June 1984.
I didn't finish high school but did attend University obtaining an advanced diploma in Nursing at 25. I am currently hummming and ahhing about going back to get my bachelors degree or not... At this stage being a photographer is winning.
I love photography and would love to take photos full time, but at the moment I'm learning from the professionals, helping out with wedding photography, and seeing where that might take me.
I was diagnosed with Asthma when I was 12 months old. Which is virtually unheard of, and the disease has had me in and out of hospitals my entire life. Today though, i am safe to say, that i have not had any major asthma attacks in the past 2 years! I still take medication and suffer from asthma during exercise or when triggers hit, but overall, I am very happy to stay out of a hospital bed!
I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 1996, I was 9 years old.
I bought my first pump at 19 years old, so at this point i have been pumping for 8 years.
I recently bought a continuous glucose monitor (in my 2nd week now)
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 5 years ago that I treat with medication. And I could also have polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS) We will soon find out!
So that is me, in a nut shell, I am sure you will find out more as the blogs continue, no use overloading you right now!
This is Me and my husband Matt with our dog Basker and Jewels in the back ground.
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